Wednesday, April 12, 2017

You have to be miserable now too

I have finally found an upside to the Trump administration and all his terrible federal funding cuts. I have watched as people on Facebook say that he, as a businessman, would know how to run the country. Somehow he would decrease taxes and he would get rid of Obama Care while also managing to retain all the benefits people receive under Obama Care.

When he threatened to defund the arts, they nodded. The parks, they shrugged. Education? Don't make me laugh.

But suddenly, something important to them is losing millions of dollars of federal funding. And suddenly, I'm supposed to care and feel bad for them. I am supposed to hold their hand while they cry and complain. Forget when four teachers lost their jobs and they complained about taxes. Forget about how every teacher is leaving the field or moving to Texas and they complain that teachers need to shut up and stop complaining about their pay.

I should be touched that maybe they are starting to get it. I should feel bad that they are losing funding for what they care about. Jobs may be lost. It sucks.

But it is also hilarious. The guy they backed and fought on Facebook for is letting them down. And it's great. They don't give a shit about anything that doesn't completely, 100%, directly concern them. They don't bat an eye when children only have a sub all year because the school can't hire a teacher. And this feels like a little bit of revenge.

So maybe next time something that someone doesn't care about gets ridiculed by Trump and loses funding, they may think about that this orange idiot is ruining everything. And they will suffer right along side all the left-wing nuts. We can all sink on the Titanic together because the lifeboats are reserved for Trump's inner-circle and whichever woman he feels like molesting that day.